Mar 3, 2009

Of Magical Lands & Wizardry Worlds!

Last night, I only turned in at 3am. Why? Coz I couldn't put the book down...The culprit? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling.

Honestly, it's been a while since I've read a book that is so difficult to put down. From the moment I started on the 1st page, it was like a roller-coaster ride bcoz of the string of events that did not bore me out. I dared not to skip a single word, let alone pages. Normally, I would sit up when a novel reaches its climax but not this time. I was hooked from the very beginning.

I picked up the book in curiosity to find out what the craze had been all about. My aunt who was moving, lent us some of her books and this was one of them. I wasn't bothered to search for the first book coz I'd already watched the movie. Now, I might reconsider. What's great is that it didn't cease to bore me out at all.

I remember reading Julia (a Form 5 novel for BM). I was patiently reading the first few pages no matter how boring coz I'd made it a point to finish my Literature component books every year. When it came to the part when Julia met Jun, I was a little annoyed that it just stopped there. There wasn't anything else that seemed interesting so far. So, I skipped pages in search of their names and only read those parts right up to the end! I was satisfied. Then, I returned to page 1, determined to finish the book thoroughly and I did.

There was Narnia by CS Lewis which captivated me for a while. After watching The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, I was fascinated but, it was not until I came across the first book in the school library that I actually started reading fantasy genres. The Magician's Nephew is a prequel to the movie and I was intrigued at how it all connected and how everything made sense (including the lamp post Lucy Pevensie comes across in the movie).

Then, I skipped the 2nd and moved on to The Horse and His Boy. I was excited at first but it all seemed to mellow by the time I was half way through. Yeah, it was basically the adventures of a boy and his talking horse and how they got to Narnia, meeting a girl and her horse who were moving in that direction on the way. I set out to watch the next movie, Prince Caspian, without reading the book and I must say that it was a good one.

Right now, I've put down the novels for a while and am in search of good short stories on the net. Hopefully, a good book comes around soon and will be sure to update from my side.

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