Mar 12, 2010

Who would have thought?

So there I was, trying to end my 2 weeks break by doing something DIFFERENT! I started out with some exercises with bro (he was my trainer, and a tough one too!). Then, the aches and pains kicked in. Just brushed them off and went on my way.

It got worse. To the extent I couldn't walk!

So, I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon. And behold, it was a spinal infection! Later found out it's called Pilonidal sinus.

Went through an op, dressing twice a day, and finally stitched up the wound. Will be off to get them out tomorrow morning.

It was terribly painful despite the heavy doses of painkillers. I am recovering :)

The best part of it all...the people...the kind nurses, staff, and the people who visited, called,, friends, strangers who became many heartfelt prayers...ppl who shed tears for me...ppl who re-visited...bought fruits and what not...and always a smile to cheer me up...a word of care...a caring hug...wonderful hearts :D

It made the pain seem like a minor thing in what seemed like long days...the nurses may have been wondering...I had visitors of all ages, colours, backgrounds...It is something that I'll cherish know that there are so many caring hearts out there...if you allow yourself to see them...

Thank you all for being there for me. It was an experience not to be forgotten.

Come Monday, I'll be back in college after a month!! Can't wait, though I know tonnes of work will be waiting for me! Got lots to catch up, refresh, and prepare for the major thing.

No complaints...I've got all I need...Now, it's time to put in the effort to see some good fruits of labour :)


  1. Anonymous13/3/10 20:31

    Get well soon! =)

  2. well, the nurses made a mistake with the well the stitches will only be out this saturday..hoping that all will be well =)
