- 9am classes were cancelled so followed amma around to get some errands done. Happy to see grandma after a while.
- Gently reminded by life's lessons that when you feel beautiful inside, you naturally glow on the outside.
- Witnessed a mini accident - watched a man fall off his bike. Don't know how it happened. For a moment, I thought that his head got disattached from his body! I saw his helmet roll across the road - I imagined the worst. Many stopped to help. Caring people indeed.
- Noticed that Greentown Business Centre has many 'No Entry' signs. Rather inconvenient.
- Had a rather interesting conversation with my lecturer.
- Shared murukku and atchu murukku with my lecturers and fellow A-levels friends. Sharing is caring! Didn't make them myself though :p
- Got a taste of free cookies - we were the only ones left in the restaurant. Satisfying!
- Put the creative part of me to work - used chalk to decorate our bulletin board at college. Fun, especially when you have friends right by your side to join in.
- Caught up with the latest college gossip. Apparently, my classmates and I are pretty left behind hehe Good laughs! Least expected source of information :p
- Terrible migraine. Ear ache, felt like vomiting. Grandma had Panadol. Took them. Came home. Had a good shower. It slowly subsided.
- Helped paati hit a nail into the table side so that she could hang a cloth/curtain around it, serving as a little cupboard below.
- Watched 'Seventeen Again' with sis on Youtube. No, not the one with Zac Efron in it. This was about a girl's divorced grandparents turning 17. Pretty cool.
- Got a call from appa to check on bro's maths. Exams coming up for him and I've got to make sure he does his best.
Right. I guess that should do it. Got to go. Duty calls!